
Here you find all news about TTE and the industry.

20.- 21.10.2012

20.- 21.10.2012, Troisdorf:
Participation in FEEM XML Working Group


27.09.2012, Freiberg:
Specialised lecture at the consultancy of the competent mining authority and the institute for Safety and Health at Work concerning the law on explosives.

24.- 25.09.2012

24.- 25.09.2012, Prague:
Participation in the FEEM XML working group


22.09.2012, Munich:
Exhibition at series of lectures titled “Sprengwesen 2012”


April 18 2012, Brüssel:
UEPG AISBL European Aggregates Association the 1st Meeting of the Task Force for the traceability of explosives

April 13-14 2012

April 13-14 2012, Siegen:
German Blasting Association 34. International information session of blasting

April 12 2012

April 12 2012, Siegen:
German Blasting Association Workshop on implementation of directive 2008/43/EG with TTE-software

March 16 2012

March 16 2012, Linz:
Architecture Academy of Austria 9. Day of Blasting

February 09 2012

February 09 2012, Prague:
FEEM Security Working Group, upgrade of the Guidance Note on the FEEM European Explosives Code Structure


February 02 2012, Hotelpark Hohenroda:
German Blasting Association dealer information on the labeling directive and TTE-software

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