Overview of the TTE-Europe tracking system for explosives

Our tracking-system for explosives saves time and money based on long-term considerations. Replace a handwritten stock book by our electronic one. Enable 24/7 communication and exchange between manufacturers, distributers, and users, as well as public authorities. This way you can realise the EU-directive in a future-oriented and reliable manner.

Regardless, whether you conduct blasts in a quarry or mining industry, produce explosives or trade them: the TTE-Europe tracking system can be combined to suit your particular needs, both in hardware and in software.

Advantages of the TTE-Europe tracking system

With our tracking system for explosives you receive a directive-conform product for backtracking of your explosives. Thanks to our modular concept we are able to offer an optimal solution for every demand and industry.

With TTE-Plus and the optional extra modules we want to meet your expectations and individual wishes at any time. For this reason we also care to realise the integration and adaption of our industry-specific product solutions to your already existing soft- and hardware. Do you wish to use our tracking system online or installed locally at your workplace computer? Both options are available. You might furthermore benefit from these advantages:

  • Tracking & Tracing data exchange via the TTE-Trustcenter
  • electronic explosives stock book
  • information to responsible authorities without the need for personal availability
  • stock balancing, consumption calculation, random sample verification
  • fast familiarisation thanks to intuitive handling

Do not just decide for particular software modules of our tracking system, but also take a look at our freely combinable hardware. TTE-Europe offers commercially available scanners, mobile data registration devices and special tags for labeling of explosives.

TTE-basic products



  Sprengmittel Rückverfolgung mit Track & Trace und Sprengmittel Lagerbuch - TTE-Plus
Use of multiple devices per stock   Bei TTE enthalten
Inclusive electronic explosives stock book   Bei TTE enthalten
Data tranfer (Trustcenter, Email, USB)   Bei TTE enthalten
10-year data storage in TTE-Webarchiv   Bei TTE enthalten*
Administrative advice at any time without permanent availability   opt.
Work without internet possible   Bei TTE enthalten
Online access from any computer   Bei TTE enthalten**
Administration of multiple stocks   Bei TTE enthalten
Arrival with adjustable random sample capacity   Bei TTE enthalten
Reversal and return of explosive shipments   Bei TTE enthalten
Reversal of failures   Bei TTE enthalten
Commissioning and good issue   Bei TTE enthalten
Multiple languages   Bei TTE enthalten
Authorisation conception   Bei TTE enthalten
Full storage warning   Bei TTE enthalten
Storage of external goods   Bei TTE enthalten
Use of multiple devices per stock   Bei TTE enthalten
    request product

* included in TTE-Plus online.
** only possible with TTE-Plus online.

TTE-Plus is available online in a browser (TTE-Plus ONLINE) as well as local on a computer (TTE-Plus LOCAL).

By using the local option you are responsible by yourself for maintenance of your system and your data or you can be supported by a suitable service package of TTE. For the Online-version TTE takes over the maintenance of the system. Besides that you always receive the newest updates and functionalities. Further advantage of the Online-version is that no additional hardware, like server, is necessary. Your data is secured in the cloud.



... Now available preinstalled on a Laptop!

You don't have own hardware yet or would like to have your TTE-system on a simple Laptop? Now you can order your TTE-Plus together with a Laptop from us.

For the extra charge of 500 € (add to costs of software) you can get your TTE-local-version preinstalled on a laptop and can directly start with tracking and tracing your products.

Contact us and get more information about our offer!

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TTE-Enterprise ist eine individuelle Tracking & Tracing Lösung der TTE-Europe GmbH für große Unternehmen

Besides the product TTE-Plus TTE-Europe GmbH offers the possibility for an individual adaptable soft- and hardware solution. Especially for big companies with many stocks and special demands on tracking and tracing of explosives this version is a matching alternative to smaller basic systems. Integration into already existing systems is easily realizable with TTE-Enterprise.

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TTE-Product family

Here we have summarized all basic products and additional modules in one graphic for your. We want you as our costumer to be able to select and assort a product in accordance to your needs.


TTE product overview

TTE-Additional modules

Eine sicher Aufbewahrung von Track und Trace Daten kann über das TTE-Webarchive der Firma TTE-Europe GmbH erfolgen

  • Possibility for administrative information for authorities without personal availability
  • Secure storage of data in certified data center in Europe
  • 10-year data storage in accordance to EU-identification-directive

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TTE-Trustcenter - für den verschlüsselten Datenaustausch bei der Sprengmittel Lieferung

  • Standard system for data exchange for all companies
  • Simple, fast and secure data exchange from deliverer to recipient
  • Access over cloud to own data for marking explosives
  • Most modern security standards and encoding
  • Automatic notifications of status of delivery data on sender or recipients site
  • Filing of article master data

more details request product

Etiketten für Sprengstoffe mit der Druck-Lösung TTE-Printing erstellen

  • Printing of labels for items and all enclosing packaging units in accordance to EU and FEEM standards
  • Administration of any printer, layouts and standard texts
  • Compatible with TTE tracking and tracing software, but also usable without it

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TTE-Special solution

Sprengmittel Tracking und Tracing Lösung für Sprengstoffhändler

TTE developed a special solution for distributors of explosives to meet the particular demands of them. Unlike users or sellers of explosives distributors often have to open packages, transship, and resend shipments. Therefore extra functionalities included in TTE-distributor which facilitate the work are of advantage.

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Umsetzung der Spregstoff EU-Richtlinie für Pulverhändler mit TTE-Powder

Distributors of powder mostly have to register fewer amounts of explosives than wholesalers. However, they still need possibilities for restore and repackage articles in their stock and to register these processes. Without additional effort this is now possible with TTE-Powder. Thereby accounting is done by items. The client only pays for what he really used.

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TTE-Oil ist die passende Sprengmittel Tracking & Tracing Lösung für die Ölindustrie

This online solution for tracking and tracing of explosives is focused on the oil industry. Explosives can be registered but furthermore packaging hierarchies can be dissolved and newly formed. Important movements of goods, new usages and consumption can be monitored at any time and be available for administrative information on request of authorities.

more details request product

You wish a consultation?

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Fields marked with * are obligatory.

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