TTE-Trustcenter – secure delivery data transmission of explosives

The TTE-Trustcenter is an application which optimally complements our Track & Trace solution. This enables you to receive sensitive data on the delivery of explosives from the distributor easily and safely. The data transfer is realized only via encrypted and certified European data centers. Hereinafter, we comprehensively inform you about functionality and advantages of our TTE-Trustcenter.

Besides the TTE-Trustcenter our solutions of course also support data exchange via:

  • E-Mail attachment
  • Data mediums like USB stick or CD
  • UMTS

If you have any questions, please contact our service team at the above mentioned hotline.

Important Manufacturer and Distributor support the TTE-Trustcenter

The TTE-Trustcenter is a European-wide established platform for exchanging sensible delivery data of explosives. The data exchange is exclusively done encrypted via certified European computing centers.

Especially as a receiver of data you profit highly by the automatic transfer of data on your mobile device. The pedestrian manual handling with XML-data from E-mails or USBs herewith comes to an end. With the included data check the TTE-Trustcenter ensures, that only formally correct data can be added to the T&T-system. Particularly blasting operations, which receive explosives from several distributors, appreciate the standard and completely automatic data adaption.

Many deliverers of explosives, including all major European explosives manufacturers, offer their customers on demand the service to provide all necessary XML data automatically over the TTE-Trustcenter. Herewith they spare their customers a considerable manual effort und avoid mistakes, which can appear while manual data import.

The following companies are just a collection of explosives suppliers, which are able to provide data via the TTE-Trustcenter. In case your supplier is not mentioned below, please ask your sales manager. In most cases, a delivery of data via TTE-Trustcenter is possible.

TTE-Trustcenter wird von Austin unterstützt One of our important customers who is using the TTE-Trustcenter: Holstein Sprengmittel Maxam ist nicht nur Referenz, sondern auch Partner
SSE empfiehlt seinen Kunden das TTE-Trustcenter Das TTE-Trustcenter findet bei Sprewa-Sprengmittel und seinen Kunden Anwendung  


Purpose and functionality of TTE-Trustcenter

The Europe-wide available TTE-Trustcenter simplifies the implementation of the EU identification directive. You can treat it as a tool which provides you necessary information on explosives of a delivery via standardized XML-files and limits the registration of items on an individual adjustable sampling size. All data are targeted and transmitted exclusively to the goods receiver. The information access will be denied for unauthorized persons.

schematische Darstellung der TTE-Trustcenters zum DAtenaustausch beim Tracking & Tracing von Explosivstoffen

In this respect, TTE-Trustcenter delivers XML-files in a standardized data format that is conform to the FEEM guidelines. In addition, it guarantees that every trade partner is informed on time and fully extensive. In this case, it is not an issue which explosive tracking system is being used. TTE-Trustcenter connects Track & Trace solutions and ensures cross-solution compatibility. All important European and many non-European explosives distributors support the data exchange via the TTE-Trustcenter.

Advantages of TTE-Trustcenter

TTE-Trustcenter transmits only valid data according to the FFEM-standards. It validates the data quality upon every upload into the TTE-Trustcenter and it communicates arisen mistakes. Thanks to an integrated notification feature, you receive a respective message directly into your Email box or via text message.

We would particularly like to emphasize the high security of your data by using certified data centers in Europe and the highly contemporary encryption of data. Because of this, potential dangers which may occur by using USB and Email can be avoided.

All Advantages of TTE-Trustcenter at a glance

  • Europe-widely available and supported by important European and many non-European explosives distributors
  • encrypted transfer of valid XML-files for explosives deliveries according to the FEEM-standard
  • on time, complete and automated messages via Email or text message about the state of data transfer
  • compatibility with all track & trace solutions
  • decrease of personnel effort and natural error sources

You wish a consultation?

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